What are your views on this statement? (Straight and bisexual women in radical feminism)

Submitted May 15, 2020, 9:11 a.m. by bristows24

Radical feminism analyses sex. I don’t know how any heterosexual or bisexual woman could be a radical feminist without challenging the act of sexual intercourse and not think they are under male influence.
When I came across radical feminism, it was entirely made of asexual and lesbian women. It was the only space where women could say what they want, and when heterosexual and bisexual women show up they’ll be the ones to shut it down, or slowly bring in males tied to them like a Trojan horse.”

9 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
crusty-guava · May 15, 2020, 11:15 a.m.

I mean I’m a bisexual woman who was introduced to radical feminism by her bisexual boyfriend, so it was more the man that lead me than the other way round lol

kittypoison · May 15, 2020, 12:02 p.m.

I don't think saying radical feminism was entirely made up of lesbians and asexual is factually correct. Radical feminism is not a new movement, its roots are deep and made up of all kinds of women, and it needs all kinds of women.

I know the analysis of compulsory heterosexuality and PIV is part of some radical feminists perspective. I think questioning our lifestyles and sex lives in general is a good idea. But I don't think straight or bi women shouldn't be radfems or are somehow worse.... You can't choose your orientation. It's not our fault we are attracted to men. The idea is to not center men in our feminism, and more broadly, in our lives (for a lot of women, everyone is different)

bad_fem · May 15, 2020, 12:13 p.m.

It's squares and rectangles. Straight women are the most likely of all women to derail conversations about feminism or pull a NAMALT, but not all straight women will. I have a male fiance but I don't try to counter feminist arguments or shut down conversations about marriage, because they're right - men fucking suck and marriage harms women overall. My own individual experience doesn't negate that truth.

LyraoftheArctic · May 15, 2020, 12:26 p.m.

There's nothing wrong with it, it isn't even that controversial.

somegenerichandle · May 15, 2020, 2:48 p.m.

It doesn't seem particularly incendiary to me. The first sentence is qualified. So, it accepts that some hetero and bi women have challenged sexual intercourse. The second one describes this individual's experience, it is in not an absolute statement. It wasn't my experience, but i won't refute it.

alexis21893 · May 15, 2020, 6:58 p.m.

I don't think it's entirely accurate but to be honest, they truly need radical feminism because they need to careful to not devalue themselves for men or settle for someone lesser. They're the ones directly dealing with domestic partnership with men and would benefit so much from learning of radical and second wave feminism. I don't think they would bring in their boyfriends or husband's if they truly believed in radical feminism being a place exclusive for women and if they felt they could be an independent entity despite having a man in their life, and if they do then we can hopefully help them

thekeeper_maeven · May 15, 2020, 7:44 p.m.

It's weird to me that this person thinks that straight women aren't radical feminists. They always have been.

And it's harmful to claim that they are going to somehow undermine feminism for their boyfriends.

Straight women need radical feminism and radical feminism needs straight women. They need to confront the power dynamics in het culture for the chance of liberation in a way lesbians don't. And they are the only ones that can change those dynamics, simply because it's their culture and their lives, not ours.

bigtiddymama · May 16, 2020, 5:21 a.m.

im newtsnot from that comment section!! i think its the dumbest fucking statement - and the comments that followed encouraging bisexual and straight girls to 'practice celibacy' to rise over being sexually attracted to men was absolutely ridiculous

virgosuns · May 18, 2020, 8:56 a.m.

I think this statement is factually incorrect. Radical feminism appears, on the outside, to be "so full" of lesbians due to the prevalence of "political lesbianism", a practice part of radfem ideology . That doesn't make political lesbians actual female homosexuals.

The real number of bisexual and heterosexual women is as big as it'd be in any other space.

As for the first paragraph, it sounds very patronizing, in my opinion. Yes, part of radical feminism is unlearning the patterns of behavior we, as women under patriarchy, have picked up. However, 1) most of us are grown up women capable of making our own choices; even if they were seen as counterproductive to our political ideology, they are our choices, and 2) sometimes... people have sex for pleasure. Not all forms of PIV sex are coercive acts of control perfomed on women. It's harmful to imply that heterosexual women have to stay celibate in order to stay ""pure"" radical feminists. Some might choose to do it, and all the power to the, but I personally don't think it's that big of a deal.