Did you know anyone in your life(family/friends/acquaintances) who killed themselves? What happened to them and their family?

Submitted Jan. 10, 2021, 12:12 a.m. by angelicorgasm

I don't know anyone who I was close to or just knew in my life who killed themselves but my dad knew a lot of people who killed themselves, there were dealing with a lot of mental and physical issues that they killed themselves in the end because they couldn't take the pain anymore, they all had wives and children.

5 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
WalnusslakaiMoid · Jan. 10, 2021, 12:22 a.m.

There was a boy, 15 I believe. He was in another class. He hung himself and it tore the family apart. Losing your child is devastating and breaks your heart. It hurts everyone who loves you and that are people you might think. Life is worth it.

RelevantGrapefruit1Femcel · Jan. 10, 2021, 1:04 a.m.

I knew a couple acquaintances in youth-hood that killed themselves, wasn't really close to either of them.

About half the people in my close family seem like they were always trying to kill themselves, but the only person who succeeded so far was my dad, he killed himself about a year ago. Not sure how I feel about it. I guess I'm sad to some extent because I always assumed I would meet up with him and reconnect again at some point. I would go back to the house with the Anais Nin book on the shelf, and the creek flowing in the backyard, climb into that canoe again, try not to sail away into the ocean, let him buy me new shoes and vitamins.

We never were close, he abandoned me before I was born, and then I hunted him down when I was 16 to see who this stranger was, and we fell out of touch again after attempts at disjointed mailings fell flat.

Next thing I know, he went out by railroad tracks and put a bullet in his head. From his family, I heard one of the last things he went back and retrieved from his workshop was an old picture of me and my two brothers as children sitting in a row in the warm sun.

What was it to him anyway? Another man had taken that picture of us.

Why would he just look at a photo of me, but never be in my life?

yanfan_throwawayFemcel · Jan. 10, 2021, 2:36 a.m.

i had a classmate who killed herself. everyone close to her coped by convincing themselves that she somehow hung herself by accident

DrinkingDamianaTeaMoid · Jan. 10, 2021, 4:59 a.m.

My grandma did. My brother didn't, but nearly did - was pulled from a car trying to gas himself. Both my parents have attempted - my mum when I was a child and my dad (years after divorce) with a shoddy overdose.

A disabled work colleague that I chatted about motorcycles with (he had an adapted bike) killed himself.

I have a very low opinion of those who, intentionally and for effect, confuse frustration and depression with genuine suicidality, as witnessed often with incel esque references to roping oneself, etc

It's worth taking a moment to ponder that every forty seconds, some place in the world, someone kills themselves.

QuenchlessGatoMoid · Jan. 10, 2021, 5:51 a.m.

Older neighbour hanged himself because he had terminal cancer. His mom died like one month before that and she also had cancer.

Son of grandma's neighbour hanged himself because his gf broke up with him around New Year. He was only 16 iirc.

Friend of a friend killed himself due to depression and potentially other mental health issues.

The families managed to carry on, but suicide is a very sensitive subject and people don't want to talk about it, so within their families there might be much more going on than they are willing to share with other people.