[Mar 2020] Bunch of backstabbing McCarthyites at the Guardian secretly sign letter trying to cancel Suzanne Moore. Moore publishes the list of the woman-hating cowards names.

Submitted March 19, 2020, 7:52 a.m. by endthewoo

In response to her daring to write an article saying that women's rights are important


More on her (blue checked) twitter. No link here but easy to search

1 comment recovered from the Pushshift database.
jetpatch · March 19, 2020, 8:42 a.m.

I guess the one good thing about the trans trend is that we don't have to ponder what would have happened if Britain had fallen to Nazis or Stalinism. We all know now who would have been informing on, denouncing and even rounding their fellow citizens up. We now know the areas of society and backgrounds those people are likely to come from. Don't forget them.