Looking for advice

ADVICE REQUEST Submitted Oct. 14, 2021, 9:28 p.m. by aagvjjblm

So for the las year I've been identifying as ftm, but lately I don't know anymore if this is really what I want, after a failed coming out (bc of religious family) I've been reflecting on myself and thinking, if this is really the correct path, it's not like i hate my body, but rather all the things that come form being a woman in society.

Since puberty I always had doubts about who I am and my gender, so i would like to read people opinions about it . (Idk if this really detransitioning or desisting)

1 comment recovered from the Pushshift database.
ViscountVixenSocially Trans - Regrets Medical Transition · Oct. 15, 2021, 6:12 a.m.

I would reflect on what you don't like about the social roles or views on woman versus whether you actually have an accurate picture of what it is like to be a man in society. I find a fair few FTMs buy into the unfounded narrative that men have "power" just by dint of their being male, when in actuality, most men are more likely to be treated like shit in everyday social interactions, in university settings, and by the law. Unless you are really into sports or the like, you also aren't likely to have much of a friend group, much less an emotionally-intimate one which a lot of women take for granted. You are also much more likely to get into violent confrontations over menial shit like road rage and what not, so that ought to be a consideration as far as safety goes.