*Rant* I hate that I still feel like shit.

RANDOM THOUGHTS Submitted Oct. 16, 2021, 12:48 p.m. by dead_meadow97

It’s been almost 3 weeks since I come off hormones (was on for 3 months). And half the days I still feel like hell. No energy, nausea, dizzy, dissociating . I went to the hospital and they said my levels (other than hormones) were fine, and now it’s just a waiting game for my testosterone to go back to normal. This sucks :/

1 comment recovered from the Pushshift database.
blitz-angeldetrans female · Oct. 17, 2021, 10:30 p.m.

really relatable. I got off t and on e pills a month and a half ago. I'm definitely not as nauseous and dizzy as I was (couldn't even get off the couch) but I'm still dizzy every day. it does get better. We really shouldn't be messing with people's hormones willy nilly.

Good luck xoxo