Displaying results 51 through 100 of 1563 entries found.

Submitted by MoonstoneGoddess on May 25, 2020, 1:18 p.m. 16 comments

Someone I know posted an article about how bdsm is great for trauma healing... I mean, for Christ’s sake. The amount of trauma I got by participating in bdsm as a young woman... and it was only because I had been abused my whole life and was used to it and my self esteem was on the floor.

I just don’t understand how anyone can think this is mentally healthy. When I brought up my expericnes she basically just said “there’s good and bad in everything”.

Submitted by deogratiusjrvlogs on May 25, 2020, 5:51 a.m. 1.0 point | 1 comment
Submitted by blueface_baby_yaight on May 21, 2020, 6:55 p.m. 1.0 point | 4 comments

I personally am not a feminist but I would like to understand the other side. Please share any stories or other reasons why you identify as a feminist.

Submitted by LonelyIntrovertNerd on May 18, 2020, 1:37 a.m. 1.0 point | 2 comments
Submitted by will702440 on May 16, 2020, 11:34 p.m. 0.0 points | 1 comment


Submitted by Internet-explorer-20 on May 16, 2020, 4:22 a.m. 1.0 point | 1 comment


Submitted by TheHomesteadTurkey on May 15, 2020, 7:32 p.m. 1.0 point | 5 comments

First of all, let me say, I am a bit tipsy right now, so I may be in coherent at times, and I apologize, I will try to be as literate as possible.

So, I am aware white people, particularly white Europeans, are a blight upon the world and have decimated entire continents in history. Yet, why, when these topics come up, am I, as a white woman, forced to take half the responsibility for the horrible things that white men in power have done.

Women of all races and cultures have been slaves to males in one way or another. I don't know if there were successful white female slave owners in the US when slavery was a thing. But I suspect not enough to make a lasting impression, if there were any at all. Please let me know if I'm wrong.

Dave Chappelle as much as I respect him, had a bit about white women, where he claimed we were equally as guilty as white men, but it just sucked for us because "we didn't like the hand we were given".. sorry, but I refuse to accept responsibility for the shit males have done. Black males have mocked the phrase "we are the granddaughters of the witches that you weren't able to burn" about witch hunts, saying we are equally as guilty. Nope.

This is not to say white women are innocent, the first wave of feminists were only looking out for white women, and that's something I know and accept, and am ashamed of. But I will not take half the responsibility of the shit white males have done in the past or will do in the future.

Submitted by Dataiswealth on May 14, 2020, 3:53 a.m. 1.0 point | 1 comment
Submitted by EffectiveDescription on May 6, 2020, 10:33 a.m. 1.0 point | 7 comments


Submitted by weirdness_incarnate on May 2, 2020, 8:13 p.m. 1.0 point | 1 comment

Trans rights are human rights!!

Submitted by jjpkatz on April 28, 2020, 10:50 a.m. 2.0 points | 6 comments

The more I'm open to honest self-awareness, the more clear it has become to me that I have romantic and sexual feelings towards both men and women. However, I'm a really gentle person and this trans stuff scares me a lot. It would be nice to know if I did come out, there would be a group where I would feel safe being myself.

As a woman who feels extremely uncomfortable with trans identifying men and with the way young girls who are outsiders and emotionally sensitive are sort of...indoctrinated into this online cult around changing their bodies, I don't see how I could find acceptance in any local LGBT space. Maybe I'm naive for hoping for space to be myself and feel comfortable and included. Honestly, I'd rather feel 'in the closet' with a straight community, than shamed for being me with LGBT circles. The whole thing seems too dangerous and potentially traumatic to bother with. It feels like this double bind forces me to hold back both my joyful, full sexuality and openness towards love and my passionate, justice-loving whistleblowing inner core. At least online in forums like this I feel like I can express myself. (Also, I hope this isn't too stereotypical, but I'm staring to get the suspicion there is a distinction between people who would like to maybe find a same-sex partner and people who want to 'be gay' as a form of stirring up shit and getting attention. It's okay to want attention, but I personally hate stirring up shit and just want maybe one person to love and connect with.)

Submitted by throwawayalien8 on April 27, 2020, 5:33 p.m. 1.0 point | 7 comments


Submitted by ItsDaDERP on April 26, 2020, 12:50 a.m. 1.0 point | 4 comments

I've heard this subreddit can be pretty transphobic, so I thought I'd talk to some transphobes here. You can ask me questions, or try to roast me, or whatever. I don't really care.

Submitted by MariaKrxxx on April 23, 2020, 5:51 p.m. 62 comments


Submitted by EffectiveDescription on April 23, 2020, 12:40 p.m. 1.0 point | 6 comments


Submitted by EffectiveDescription on April 23, 2020, 11:36 a.m. 1.0 point | 6 comments


Submitted by [deleted] on April 22, 2020, 5:58 p.m. 0.0 points | 6 comments


Submitted by Rider2418 on April 22, 2020, 10:41 a.m. 1.0 point | 2 comments
Submitted by Kaitlyn2124 on April 20, 2020, 1:26 p.m. 1.0 point | 5 comments

Is this subreddit for man hating feminist? Or is that just a stigma?

Hello! Like I said in the title I made an all female, XX-only discord server called LUISA (Ladies United in Sisterhood Always) and me and my fellow mods are looking to gain more members and up the servers activity! LUISA was made by me to be a safe space based in radfem/Gender critical ideology for women to be among other women without the constant presence or intrusion of moids and TIMs alike, where we can come together and celebrate being the superior sex, commiserate together and talk about our struggles and fears as women living in a mans world under the patriarchy, make friends, discusses women's issues, share interests, hobbies, passions, etc and just...feel SAFE for once!!

If you're interested, please comment below or sent me a private message and I will DM you a link to the server where you can get the verification process started and join a really great community of amazing women! We offer the option of selfie + voice verification or direct face to face video verification if you're comfortable showing your face online over video to reassure you that yes me and my mods are also women and not degenerate pornsick moids or TIMs in disguise XD Safety and comfort are two of our biggest priorities in LUISA because we're all used to living our day to day lives afraid of men and internet strangers so us mods are more than happy to assure you as best we can that we're also women and people that can be trusted. I really hope people are interested and that we get some amazing new members! :) LUISA has a great but smaller following so far and everyone that I've asked is really enjoying being in the server so that makes me happy happy <3

Submitted by anti-worker-mifa on April 3, 2020, 4:38 p.m. 1.0 point | 1 comment
Submitted by RoomyShoes on April 2, 2020, 10:36 a.m. 1.0 point | 7 comments

This sub needs some more active mods. I don't quite have the time. This sub could become more active.


  • Passion for radical feminism.

You need to have a decent post history in this sub and other sister subs for at least a year.

  • comfortable with technology (browser plug ins) and getting around reddit. Must be able to use old reddit
  • time to devote to checking on the sub once a day or a few times a week
  • collaborative with other mods, able to be reached when needed

Submitted by MichaelGCu on April 1, 2020, 6:25 p.m. 1.0 point | 10 comments

After years of struggling to find her voice, my transgender daughter was finally hitting her stride. Spring lacrosse and field hockey seasons were about to start; she was accepted into her first choice for high school; and she didn’t hate going to school – much. Then the coronavirus struck and we all went on lockdown.


“To All The Trans Exclusionary ‘Feminists’: There’s Nothing Radical About You” by Leigh Green https://link.medium.com/4hCCVj0Ke5