New to this but it feels right

Submitted July 8, 2020, 4:20 p.m. by SmeeIsMe99

Hi everyone, I was a short-time lurker on the GC sub and was really disappointed to find it had been deleted.

I'm newish to some of the concepts and ideas of rad fem and I want to learn more about it. I don't have much of a grasp on the particular terminology used here so please bear with me.

I'm a woman in my 30s. I've always had this simmering anger at how women have been, and still are, treated - both by men and by other women. I consider myself a feminist, but not a "man hater". I'm married to a really lovely and thoughtful guy.

Over the years I've been considerate of the trans movement. I'm a "live and let live" kinda person, as long as nobody is getting hurt along the way. At university I had a group of female friends who were strongly into feminism and trans rights. I didn't always agree wholeheartedly with some of the things they said but I kept those thoughts to myself because they were kind of angry towards anyone who didn't agree with them.

Then one of them decided she was a man, and everyone started referring to her as "him". It was a shock to my system. She had an 8 year old son and I wondered what kind of effect it would have on him to have his mum now become his dad. To be honest... I felt really silly playing along. It was like we were playing that "opposites day" game that kids play. I drifted away from them after that. I found out a few years later that she transitioned back into a woman.

I'd always thought that trans people likely had a mental illness of some sort, but it wasn't acceptable to put that opinion out there. Then it became less and less acceptable to speak about it in any way other than being supportive and encouraging. I've always been a people pleaser and I try not to hurt anyone's feelings, so I went along with it. "How brave and beautiful is Caitlyn Jenner!", "No, I have no issue at all sharing the female toilets with a transwoman".

I drew the line at "transwomen are women" because my logical mind wouldn't permit it. I don't believe in ghosts, bigfoot or crazy conspiracy theories. I can't say something that simply isn't true. It'd be like saying "red is blue".

Still, I kept those thoughts to myself and just avoided discussing the subject with anyone. Then the JK thing happened, and I didn't understand it. I couldn't figure out what it was she said that was so wrong. I took to a forum to ask, and I was absolutely annihilated. Both men and women swamped the thread with angry posts, some simply saying things like "because transwomen are women" - which doesn't explain anything to me. I didn't have the background or facts behind me to provide a decent argument.

One guy was very insistent that "TWAW" and said that women (real women...?) are just threatened by transwomen. When asked if men are threatened by transmen he said no, because transmen don't have the "tools" required to be a real man. So he basically dismissed transmen just like that, while supporting transwomen. To me, that's just another man being sexist towards women. That's not trans-positive at all. It's just a man fighting for men to be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do while completely dismissing women.

Now, I'm reading that subs about women's health are being removed due to being "transphobic". That really scares me. Really really scares me. Can someone please explain how a sub on female health issues can possibly be seen as transphobic?

I'm also curious on how you view transmen. If you don't support transwomen but you support transmen, then you're no better than that guy I mentioned above, surely?

As I said in my title, I'm new to this but I feel like I'm on the right track. It worries me that I'm forming an opinion that is so vastly unpopular because I've always considered myself at the forefront of social progression and "woke" culture... but now I feel like that's being hijacked by something sinister and nobody realises it.

All the women supporting it... it's like seeing sheep marching themselves towards the abattoir.

Edit: can someone please explain what "peaking" is?

23 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
Jumpersplant · July 8, 2020, 5:19 p.m.

"One guy was very insistent that "TWAW" and said that women (real women...?) are just threatened by transwomen. "

Well, yeah, we are, because transwomen are men and men are threatening, that's why we don't want them in our bathrooms!

I'm relatively new here, too. Gender critical feminism has a problem with the concept of gender and gender roles and believes they're limiting. It's not that we don't support transwomen, it's just that we don't believe they're women and that they belong to women's only spaces. We don't believe that trans men are men either. I'm pretty sure every gender critical feminist supports trans people in that we want them to be safe and free from harm and discrimination like any other human being. But we don't want to play along with their delusions. Also, we're against transing children because it's unethical.

From the the old gender critical

"Peak trans" is the event that made you say "no more." You started out being supportive, or maybe just neutral on trans issues. You tried to understand, to digest, to ask questions... and then it happened. PEAK TRANS!

Check out this, there is a link to the archives of the old threads, they're a fascinating read

pcosthrowaway25828 · July 8, 2020, 5:20 p.m.

Hey! Glad to have you here! More and more women are peaking after recent events. Peaking just means realizing that this is all weird fuckery, and waking up to crude reality.

They desperately want to push this stupid and illogical narrative that women and trans women do not have any differences, yet contradict themselves constantly. Yet here we are, where trans women are welcome in what should be safe female spaces, and force women to shut up.

Trans men do not behave like this with men, because men don't take them seriously and they don't even try. Women are the ones targeted, always. This is patriarchy 2.0

If you need to peak again, look up the detrans community so you can uncover the thousands of lies this community propagates about transitioning and the whole movement.

mushroomyakuza · July 8, 2020, 6:21 p.m. · 1 reply

One guy was very insistent that "TWAW" and said that women (real women...?) are just threatened by transwomen. When asked if men are threatened by transmen he said no, because transmen don't have the "tools" required to be a real man. So he basically dismissed transmen just like that, while supporting transwomen. To me, that's just another man being sexist towards women. That's not trans-positive at all. It's just a man fighting for men to be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do while completely dismissing women.

And that's why men aren't affected by this, and why they don't care. They will drink the cool aid and chant TWAW, but never TMAM. Why? Because they themselves are men, and know women can never be men. But their misogyny and lack of empathy as evidenced in this comment prove they don't see women as real, full people. In essence he's saying men can be women, but women can't be men, because they're lesser than men. And they don't still don't see their own blindspots.

Jumpersplant · July 8, 2020, 6:24 p.m. · 2 replies

I'm pretty sure straight men don't accept trans women as their potential partners.

mushroomyakuza · July 8, 2020, 7:29 p.m. · 2 replies

In the vast majority of cases, yes. There may be some exceptions here and there (I'm one, for example). I also think men would be more open to it if trans women have neo vaginas.

Jumpersplant · July 8, 2020, 7:41 p.m. · 1 reply

I can't tell if the last line is serious or not

mushroomyakuza · July 9, 2020, 12:36 a.m. · 1 reply

I'm serious. Not many by any means, but more than those encountering a cock.

Jumpersplant · July 9, 2020, 8:27 a.m. · 1 reply

No one has any obligation to beat open to sex with anyone. Wtf.

Continue reading
reinenuwang · July 9, 2020, 12:19 a.m. · 1 reply

You're not straight.

mushroomyakuza · July 9, 2020, 12:37 a.m.

No, I'm bi. Because I don't believe trans women are women, and I fuck them. But a lot of people subscribe to TWAW and therefore believe they're fucking a woman.

meihakim · July 8, 2020, 9:09 p.m.

I am 100% sure they don’t. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t really know what a straight man is.

mushroomyakuza · July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.

but now I feel like that's being hijacked by something sinister and nobody realises it.

>All the women supporting it... it's like seeing sheep marching themselves towards the abattoir.

Yep. It's going to haunt you. And they'll call you crazy and bigoted for trying to point it out. Welcome to Gender Critical.

fijupanda · July 8, 2020, 6:41 p.m.

Nothing annoys me more than the women supporting these delusional cupcakes in their delusions. JFC. Ugh.

Trans individuals are trans individuals. I wish them the best in life, may they find their place under the sun and have long and happy lives, and as long as they don't encroach on my rights, I have zero issues with them.

However, I am sick and tired of this trans, TRA craze and the blatant damage it is doing to children (cases where kids are being transitioned in the West is pure insanity) women (erasure, butting into our spaces, deatha nd rape threats, doxxing, calling us bitches, terfs, old hags, blatant misogyny), LGB folks (forcing lesbians, gays, and bisexuals to change their preferences because transphobia and whatnot if they're not into girldicks and boypussy), and yes even to men (the father of the kid whose mother is transitioning the child and has to fight in court for the rights of his child, straight men that don't want to date transwomen aren't transphobic ffs etc). They've crossed the line and keep on doing it. I've had enough.

I peaked two years back when the so called Social Justice Wanking became a thing and everyone seemed to think being an asshole to everyone not their shade of skin, sexuality, country, past was up for death threats, rape threats, racism, homophobia and whatnot. That's not freaking justice.

foocubus · July 8, 2020, 7:05 p.m.

Welcome, sister.

You're not alone and it's not you who's going crazy! The TRAs have immense power with the left, have intense aggression and anger, and cannot tolerate dissension, especially among women (even those with disabilities such as the women of r/pcos). But that doesn't make them any more right than the rest of history's men who have shared their traits.

This is a safe space, but the rest of social media most definitely is not, as you know. Also look at, the Twitter-clone for gender heretics.

pomogra · July 8, 2020, 7:45 p.m.

Tumblr has a great and notsogreat radical feminist/Gender critical community.

Falon03 · July 8, 2020, 10:34 p.m.

You seem like a very open minded person, however at the very moment you thought outside the box, and started thinking beyond what the pro trans, social justice warriors were preaching you became a "transphobe" and a "TERF". Questioning the trans movement in any way makes you their enemy, as you saw firsthand when you posted your question/concern on a forum.

If anything, this kind of behavior speaks volumes in just how insidious and intolerant the trans movement is, or at least has become. Its apparent that it seeks to impose on women, and it's aim is to quiet women who question it in any shape or form. This is where we come in, we're the ones who they can't keep quiet, hi and welcome to gender critical.

Eurowoman24 · July 9, 2020, 12:44 a.m. · 1 reply

Hi glad you're here. Women's health is offensive um..? because the terms female/vagina/uterus don't make tws feel included for the most part.

SmeeIsMe99 · July 9, 2020, 12:53 a.m. · 2 replies

Is that really it? I can't quite believe that it could be considered offensive to use medical terms for parts of the human body. I can't see how that would ever be successfully argued and then enforced, but then reddit deletes the pcos sub and that absolutely floors me. It's almost as outrageous as some of the concepts on A Handmaid's Tale.

There must be something more to it, something I'm missing?

Eurowoman24 · July 9, 2020, 12:55 a.m.

Honestly it seems like it's that and that TMs don't want to be reminded of their female anatomy so some call it male anatomy? I barely understand it myself but that's it from what I gather. Don't expect me to talk about the other non-binary genders and all that...

NecessaryScene1 · July 9, 2020, 5:53 a.m.

There was jawdropping image post on GC a few weeks ago where someone had taken a photograph of two diagrams from the wall of a Planned Parenthood they'd visited.

They were both marked "Reproductive System". Little pieces of paper had been coyly stuck over the words "Female" and "Male", because apparently they still feel able to acknowledge that there are only two reproductive systems, and use those posters with the Old Knowledge, but they can no longer bear to use the names.

Quote from an older article:

“The language we’re using today reflects the fact that gender is a spectrum and not a simple system, a binary system of male and female,” says Porsch. “We really talk about having sexual and reproductive health services [for everyone including] women who have penises, men who have vaginas, and there are people with all different types of anatomy that may not identify with a binary gender at all,” she says.

ZeWombat · July 9, 2020, 3:17 a.m. · 1 reply

Gender Critical moved to Already over 2,000 members.

Check out the resources- There's archives from the old sub. Lots of good new content.

SmeeIsMe99 · July 9, 2020, 8:48 a.m.

Thank you!