Dear women,

Divine Female Submitted June 5, 2020, 4:13 p.m. by Blood_Priestess

Don’t be afraid of trying new things when you’re older. Don’t be afraid of going to college in your 30s, or getting into a new hobby in your late 20s, or finding a new career in your 40s-50s. There’s never a wrong time to start something new. Youth and beauty culture tries to convince people (especially women) that we need to have everything figured out in our 20s but life rarely works like that. You’re not gonna shrivel up and die in your 30s like youth culture wants you to believe. The world is your oyster no matter what age you are.

1 comment recovered from the Pushshift database.
daughter_of_Malkav · June 6, 2020, 5:39 a.m.

Beautifully said. Women, unlike men, don't have a Wall. We spend every day productively and working on ourselves while men jerk off to raped women in porn and let themselves go.