Anyone else feel strange for not experiencing stuff like street harassment? And other “female” experiences?

Submitted Jan. 11, 2021, 11:53 a.m. by uglygalthrow

I don’t wish it happened to me. I just feel weird when women say every single woman gets street harassed by men constantly. I have a few times when I was younger, but it was by young dudes (like 12) and I didn’t really feel threatened by it. I’ve also had young boys (less than 8) stare at my butt and try to slap it but I was just disturbed not scared for my life.

Also other stuff, like men and women can’t be friends, the guy will always want more. I feel like this only happens to pretty women. If the man is more attractive, then the woman will want more. I have seen this happen to Stacies too. Most of the guys Stacies call their friends are clearly in love with them though. Idk why they don’t just call them their orbiters.

Guys changing who they are when you enter their group. They just ignore me for the most part or treat me like I’m a man/smelly asexual blob.

I also don’t get how some girls talk about losing male friendships. The guy was their best friend or longterm friend of several years but cut them off with no remorse once the girl won’t date them.

31 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
sp4cel0verFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, noon

Yup. I cant believe i even feel hurt that im not harassed lol. The world is so shit for this to be a measurement of womanhood and attractiveness for women

HornyBackToadFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 12:06 p.m. · 1 reply

Yes, same position. I don't want to be sexually harassed but it was an indicator that I was genetically inferior. Never had a male friend either, always struggled to make friends with women too.

I wish feminism would acknowledge lookism more...

uglygalthrowTruFemcel, Very Mentally Ill · Jan. 11, 2021, 12:11 p.m.

I struggle with other women too 😂😂

Men just don’t bother with me at all

ReasonableNovel9Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 12:47 p.m.

I still get kind of harrased in public (there are a lot of crazy people in my city). I wish if it was going to happen though, I'd at least get the "nice" stuff too. All I get are violent threats or spit at.

lifelongstudent2003Mentalcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 12:49 p.m. · 1 reply

I’ve noticed that it is dying down due to recent feminist efforts. Here in Toronto, rarely do I see women being catcalled. I think it’s highly dependent on location too, like nyc is notorious for catcalling. From what I know it doesn’t happen much in most of Europe either. What do you all think?

your_last_braincellFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 6:07 p.m. · 1 reply

I also live in Europe, still depending where you live. I guess it happens less here than in nyc.

lifelongstudent2003Mentalcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 6:16 p.m. · 1 reply

Which country and how often do you see it?

your_last_braincellFemcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 5:05 p.m.

I live in the Netherlands and I cannot tell you exactly in person, but I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. Because a few of my friends have experienced it.

Sad_Presentation8018Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 1:07 p.m.

Yea. I don’t really want to be harassed, but at the same time I do. I think I just want some sort of validation that I’m a woman.

infernalwretchMentalcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 2:15 p.m.

This has happened to me twice that I know of, and once I was with my friend so I assumed he directed it at her not me. There have been times when dudes yelled at me from their car as they went by, but I think they were just trying to scare me or make fun of me or something. It always left me feeling shaken up. For the most part, I only ever get vibes of indifference or hostility from men.

cassiewassiecampbellBaby Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 2:21 p.m. · 2 replies

Yes. I don’t want to like invalidate other women’s feelings at all, but I don’t understand why some women get so mad when guys compliment them. I would kill to just get random compliments from strangers

sp4cel0verFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 2:45 p.m.

Too much of anything and you get sick. Truly a stacy problem

vcardthrow1Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 4:46 p.m.

Truth is it's ill-meaning, highly sexualized, and even violent.

It's rarely just, "hey baby, great ass"

I was catcalled by disgusting middle aged men and cow-called, which is kind of based in the same thing - treating women like subhuman public property

It's diminishing, having randoes feel entitled to basically indicate they could have sex with/rape you if they wanted to.

discountwalmartFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 3 p.m.

Yeah, I've felt bad about this since I was a little kid; I always wondered why the boys didn't want to tackle me down, pull my hair or throw pens at me. I'm 30+ now and I'm still sad about not ever having experienced any form of harassment or other unwanted attention. It makes me feel like less of a woman.

PikaBooSquirrelMentalcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 3:24 p.m. · 1 reply

I didn't realize how common it was for men to bug women until I started interacting with prettier girls. My main friends in high school were all average, but we didn't interact with anyone outside of our circle and were either together, at school, or at home. My extended friend group though was full of pretty, more outgoing girls that wore makeup and they regularly had guys confessing to them and buying them gifts. I assumed this was because they put more work into their appearance and got around/out more.

Then I enter the workforce, and at work, literally all of my female coworkers have been hit on or harassed outside of work and inside, a place where we literally wear these ugly, oversized uniforms, hairnets and smell like fast food all day, (only two wear makeup). At work examples: One has her married boss flirting with her, one regularly has customers and coworkers hitting on her (even my brother), was threatened for not giving her number once. This little 14 year old girl I'm basically the mother of (lol) has several 18+ guys hitting on her. My married coworker has this guy from another department that hits on her. One had a stalker. One has customers that regularly gift her things.

No customer or coworker in the 4 years I have been there, has ever overtly hit on me. I admit I'm very unapproachable (literally didn't start making work friends until this year) but 4 years? I have been hit on before outside (usually creepy [guy following me in their car, a random guy offered me money for sex, old guy rubbing my thigh on bus, one guy stuck a finger in my buttcrack when I was wearing jeans??]), but like once in a blue moon, on par with my hs friends, so I assumed that one guy every half year or so was normal. But most of my coworkers are average (except for two), and get hit on regularly (at least the teens/twenty somethings, I'm 22, btw). Now, like an idiot, I used to think I was hot shit back as a middle schooler, then got a rude awakening when I entered high school, this new information makes me feel like I'm even uglier than my initially discovered ugliness, lmao. Most girls get hit on or harassed like once a month if not more.

Like, I know if I had it, I'd be uncomfortable, but it's also like this big fat indicator of being "less than woman" to men.

EurasianEmpressVolcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 7:23 a.m.

but it’s also like this big fat indicator of being “less than woman” to men.

That’s because the only way that a man would not prey on you is if he doesn’t see you as a woman.

golden-trickeryBaby Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 3:40 p.m. · 1 reply

I came across many women who don't even believe that there are other women who have never dealt with street harrassment, I had people ask me if I was fat, fml

uglygalthrowTruFemcel, Very Mentally Ill · Jan. 11, 2021, 7:14 p.m.

That is the go to question when women say they don’t live life on tutorial mode.

CompetitionMedical70Baby Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 3:52 p.m.

I have been approached by men on the street from time to time and i hate it. For women who are prettier and shapely it can be an everyday thing for them, so I’m actually glad I’m shaped like a 12 year old boy, because of this! unwanted Male attention makes me sooo uncomfortable

GerealtorMentalcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 5:24 p.m. · 1 reply

I always get this terrible sad feeling whenever I come across something that talks about how abundant, overwhelming and inescapable sexual harassment, especially on the street, for women - ALL women - because like.. what does that make me? I know that's selfish and low to think when people are struggling with actual harassment, but I can't help it. If it's being said in a Reddit comment, for instance, you'll get like 2000+ replies from other women saying "I wear 5 different headphones on top of each other, glare at the ground like I'm trying to mentally pry open the door to hell, active attempt to make myself look haggard, etc etc, and STILL, I get approached 10+ times a day by harassers. UGH". And I'm just like... where? How?

uglygalthrowTruFemcel, Very Mentally Ill · Jan. 11, 2021, 7:12 p.m.

I felt that last sentence sis ✋🏽😔

your_last_braincellFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 6:04 p.m.

Thought I was the only one who felt this way. I feel so awful, because it seems men won’t bother to hit on me...(?)

pinkpearkFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 6:08 p.m.

I am ashemed to tell this i know a lot of ppl get harassed like dayly but when it happened to me i was with a friend one drunk ugly old man told her smth and the second one toched my hip and said smth too and it was like disgusting but on the other hand i feelt happy and hopeful that maybe someday not a drunkard but an ok guy will make a pass on me. Never happened lol

cardadadBaby Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 8 p.m.

Well I am usually basically invisible for guys except I'm dressed in a very goth way. I have many male friends but they all rather see me as one of them, not some potentially romantic interest. Usually I am the therapist or the matchmaker between them and pretty girls °

cathycassidyFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 9:23 p.m.

I go quiet when my friends or colleagues talk about it, and say something like “every woman’s had to go through it” - I’m too embarrassed to correct them haha. I’ve also had older male colleagues say things like “you’re mad to walk home at this time when it’s dark” (interestingly, I’m never offered a lift though) again they just don’t get I’m not considered a normal woman 🙃

peachycreaamFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 10 p.m.

all the timeee.

Goes to show that even other women see us as asexual creatures or they would consider that no, not every woman experiences these things.

It’s so sad, man. I saw a femcel post on one of the main subs once about how she uses her fat, badbuilt body and manly face to “shield” Stacies and Beckys from men looking at them and talking to them out in public. And the Stacies were replying to her like “aww, thanks” as if she was a male bodyguard or something. They did not consider her a true woman, like them.

[deleted] · Jan. 11, 2021, 10:13 p.m.

yeah I’ve never been street harassed or flirted with by a stranger (apart from some old man once but didn’t count lmao i think he was drunk) . Tbh in some ways it makes me feel weird as people make it out to be a universal experience for women, but at the same time I’m happy I can walk around on my own without being bothered.

ricesnotFormer Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 11:25 p.m.

Back when I attempted to lose weight I had an old guy (I was 16) yell "Look at those fat tits bounce!" And I stopped jogging down that street. The only other time men harassed me is when I went for walks to again, lose weight, and I have been oinked and moo'd at. Had a guy drive by in a truck and yell out the passenger window "WHALE!"

Men do harass ugly girls, just not because they want to fuck us.

uglygalthrowTruFemcel, Very Mentally Ill · Jan. 12, 2021, 12:01 a.m.

What is with incelswithouthate screenshotting all of my posts? The worst is that they only screenshot the stuff that can be taken the wrong way :|.

NeveahhLow-Tier Normie · Jan. 12, 2021, 1:56 a.m.

I live in a small town and I almost never go out so I don't get hit on. I don't even know if it's common in my town at all though I know a few girls who got beeped at by guys driving by in cars. I only remember being harassed when I was younger and still cute. One old creepy guy approached me and my mom at a restaurant and put his hands on my shoulders. I was like 8 I think. Then once when I was 11 and walking through town to visit my grandma, some old man started singing 'i'll catch you!' (wtf) and started following me and talking to me, asking me questions and such. Fortunately he fucked off once he saw a blonde woman going into a store and followed after her. Never been harassed since then 🤷

DahliacidFemcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 2:47 p.m.

If u live in a large city it’s common... the scrotes that fuck anything that moves or just super horny but can’t get what they want will harass you and when u say no they tell you to “humble urself when u look like that” or “you ugly anyways” or “I’m just tryna do u a favor u ugly bitch” or “call u a man” or something. Unlike Stacy who shuts them down, if u try they might try to hit you or come at u for bruising their ego especially if their friend laugh at what you said.