i hate how worthless everything feels when ur ugly

Submitted Jan. 11, 2021, 8:22 p.m. by snuffst4r

like everyday i think and just KNOW how much happier and successful i would be if i was actually good looking. if i was a pretty girl id legit LOVE to get out of bed everyday, go to work, go outside for walks, explore my city, make plans, etc..

thats what fucking KILLS me everyday the most. Instead im this repulsive weirdly shaped inactive potato who legit sleeps or lays in bed till 6 pm, its SO hard for me to get up. i cant do it. what is there to be awake for? waking up and showing up to a sad inferior pathetic life of being in my small room all day.

im trying so hard to get it together and lose my excess belly/back/waist fat so i can go get a job and move out into a better environment but its so hard. i lose hope everytime when i remember how ugly i am, i just give up because whats the point. ill never be that accomplished healthy pretty girl with the clean slick hair, nice blouse & skirt & heels at her job, i hate it. i wanna dress up nice do my hair wear skirts and heels and cute outfits and go out into the world everyday ad have fun.

i dont see the point in any of it as an ugly girl but i know 1000% i would if i was pretty. ugh. i had ONE fucking job just one!!!!! nothing else matters to me if im missing the pretty face.

4 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
anxietywormFemcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 11:21 p.m.

Uh are you me?? I have these same exact verbatim thoughts daily

SilverNova99Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 11:24 p.m.

I know your pain trust me. I hate just being alive most days. If I wasn't ugly, I wouldn't. I would make friends with people and have a bf. But when you're ugly what's the point. Most people wont like me and the ones that do will just see me as the ugly friend. Men will only entertain me until they find someone better. Life is mostly pointless for ugly people.

greenwallsinhereFormer Femcel · Jan. 11, 2021, 11:46 p.m.

I feel the exact same way which is why I’ve been looksmaxxing. Most of my life thus far has been unenjoyable due to being ugly. Every physical improvement I’ve made has made my life a bit better. I’m getting ready to blow a ton on money I don’t have on a BBL and breast surgery.

i_am_nimueFemcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 2:11 a.m.

Absolutely feel like that too. I am sleeping my life away. I wish I could live in my dreams where I'm someone prettier, smarter, more confident