Anyone else here struggling with binge eating and losing weight?

Submitted Jan. 12, 2021, 2:44 p.m. by roozie97

I know its simple , eat less and move more. But I'm struggling to eat less. I've gone through every diet, after those diets I tend to binge eat and regain everything :(. I can't stop eating. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. Im still currently 10 pounds overweight for my height. My weight is the main issue that is making me unattractive yet I can't stop stuffing my face at the same time. I also tend to use food as a coping mechanism when I'm bored or angry. Im stuck in the same binge/restrictive diet cycle. If only I was able to overcome this and control my eating, it would definitely improve everything as weight loss is the most important component in softmaxxing. Once again, I regained everything I lost during a diet i was doing for 8 months :(. I've resorted to eating just one meal a day , the only thing that has controlled my hunger. If I were to even have only 2 meals now, I would be like fuck it and binge eat the whole day.

18 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
BrosMadd · Jan. 12, 2021, 2:47 p.m. · 1 reply

Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? You give yourself a window in the day to eat your fill and you don't eat the rest of the time. /r/intermittentfasting is a great place to check out. It works and it works quickly. It gets your hormones in check as well and helps rids you of those cyclical urges to binge.

mitskilandBaby Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 6:18 p.m.

this, intermittent fasting really works, but also still be careful to eat enough during that window of time in which you can eat. after a while, you kinda forget that you're fasting and you feel less hungry (in my experience at least)

sonder84Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 4:20 p.m.

I've struggled with BED and bulimia over the years and it's been hell. Thankfully, I'm on the other side of it now and I'm finally at a weight both my healthy brain and disordered brain is happy with (BMI 20)

You can stop bingeing, but it's not something you can do overnight. One thing I found really helpful for me is writing down how I'm feeling when I feel a binge coming on- like literally free write what's going through my head. It can help identify triggers and what's driving the compulsion to eat, which you can then adress in therapy or self help.

Another thing I found is "mindful" eating- this is something I sort of thought up myself, but I did find it helpful. When I feel the urge to eat, I force myself to stop and ask myself "why do I want this? Am I hungry? Will I stop at just one? Will this solve my problem? How will I feel once I've eaten it?" It is tricky to get going, but I found once I got the hang of it, I was able to separate feelings of genuine hunger from emotional eating.

The Binge Eating Therapist on Instagram also has some great advice, too :)

I won't lie to you, it is not easy and it takes work, but if you allow yourself to make mistakes rather than have the mentality of "oh I messed up, that's it now I might as well continue", and really make the effort, it id absolutely manageable.

Good luck :)

HugeMatterBaby Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 4:23 p.m.

hi... I (and a looot of others) really relate to this, just know that you’re not alone.

there’s this series called “glow-up diaries” by Alivia D’Andre and it covers her experiences with having a bad relationship with food. She’s just starting season 2 and I’m planning on following it as she uploads, so if you’re interested I suggest checking it out.

Sleeping_uglyxMentalcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 4:26 p.m.

You're not alone. I tried dieting for over a year and I gained nearly all the weight back.

I guess we have to find a new coping stragety that's not over eating but nothing gave me simular pleasure then eating two or three pizzas.

I tried drinking more coffee and smoking more to deal with my hunger but now I'm an obese smoker so I would not recommend that haha

Throwawayuser626Low-Tier Normie · Jan. 12, 2021, 5:08 p.m.

Yes I literally take adderall and smoke and I still stuff my face it’s crazy. I can’t control how hungry I feel no matter what. And I can’t control myself once I start eating. I definitely have an attachment to food.

Throwawavy6Mentalcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 5:15 p.m.

Yes. I got periods when I’m doing good to not so good lol. I’m gonna create a routine and stick with it. Works out that best for me. All the best with your goals.

i_am_nimueFemcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 5:17 p.m.

I used to have bulimia, but luckily got it under control few years ago, but for the last 2 years I've definitely developed BED. Hell, I have literally just stuffed myself with pizza, chocolate chip cookies and garlic bread, so, yay, me 😬 my BMI is bordering on obese.

I read that if someone is highly empathic/an empath, eating feels grounding and rids of anxiety. It is definitely the case for me, but I wish I could stop this, before it leads me back to bulimia and I fear this is gonna happen soon, because I am so disgusted with myself, there are no words for it.

olympeaxFemcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 6:17 p.m.

I literally get obsessed with the food I want to eat if I tell myself I can't have, nothing gets me distracted. I just keep thinking about it till I eat it. I feel miserable, a slave to food

vodkabinerebFemcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 6:23 p.m.

i have a pattern of binging and then restricting so i feel ur pain :[ but i've actually been able to lose weight lately by sticking to just one meal a day and drinking a lot of water, cutting out unhealthy foods from my diet like if my family gets fast food i will have something healthier from the kitchen at home instead. when the cravings for snacks come, ask yourself "is the momentary satisfaction i get from eating this worth the setback it'll cause?", the right decision becomes pretty clear after that. trust the process and you will reach your goal.

starshipminestroneMentalcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 7:07 p.m.

girl i am obsessed with losing weight it's really consuming my life. i feel like my life can finally begin once i get that sweet underweight bmi but even under the delusional belief that weight loss will solve all my problems i still can't manage to lose the damn weight. it's soooo easy to undo months of progress in like a week of falling off the wagon, especially when you're a short female.

Nyxmondo · Jan. 12, 2021, 8:07 p.m.

Volume eating as a crutch and mental work. I boredom binge which has been killing me during this pandemic. Some days I’m better than others.

greenwallsinhereFormer Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 8:50 p.m.

I have adhd and eating is the only thing that excites me when I’m unmedicated. Even on meds its a daily battle not to binge eat. My mother also has an eating disorder and ruined my relationship with food when I was young. Due to covid i gained back some weight I had lost in 2018, so I’ve decided to spend my surgery money on a BBL instead of another procedure I was planning.

writenicelyVolcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 11:10 p.m.

I wish I were only 10 lbs overwieght but Im nearly double what I should be. Its not easy trying to diet. Ive noticed weight loss once I stopped eating heavy, but it hurts and aches like a mf. I understand the urge to eat and binge.

The heaviest meal I'll have is dinner, and even then I make sure I eat rice no later than at 8 PM, with lentil soup poured over it and meat to go alongside it. Rice is not the side btw, its proportionate to the meat. Drink more water by keeping a reuseable bottle or next to you at all times. It helps to tire yourself out and not have the energy to go out to eat or colelct but force yourself to enjoy the snacks or food thats already at home, and to only buy or get the ones your body will digest and use right away (cheese, yogurt, nuts). Herbal and fruit tea if you want a refreshing beverage, without added sugar, or green tea matcha with plenty of milk. I used to be 150 at my healthiest, in highschool but Im currently at 201 lbs now, eight or nine years later. At my heaviest I was 206 lbs. I have a severely long way to go myself but I finally reached 199 lbs the other day.

gigadoomer · Jan. 12, 2021, 11:41 p.m.

girl i literally think losing weight will solve all my problems. i’ve developed an eating disorder and it fucking SUCKS

yikesmysexlifeFormer Femcel | Stacy-lite · Jan. 13, 2021, 12:14 a.m.

restriction and shame cycling are going to keep you locked in this pattern of losing and regaining weight. also long term, restrictive diets can slow your metabolism to a crawl.

I have 17 years experience dealing with dieting and disordered eating. I'd be happy to talk about breaking out of that and developing sustainable, healthy eating habits that work long term if you'd like.

LegitimateBath4Femcel · Jan. 13, 2021, 1:40 a.m.

It's "simple" if you ignore all the complex emotional concepts we tie to food and weight.

You're not stupid, you're struggling. The best bet is to focus on your emotional issues with food first, and then if and when you're comfortable, the "simple" stuff will actually feel simple.

birdthumpFemcel · Jan. 13, 2021, 9:36 a.m.

Instead of potentially triggering you, let me ask a question. Do you live at home? If you're with relatives it's exceedingly more difficult to lose weight because it's basically impossible to put blinders on to what others have bought in the cabinets. They may also disagree or be dismissive of your journey to lose weight.

If you live at home and you're serious about losing weight, move out.