Ever been rejected because of your personality?

Submitted Jan. 12, 2021, 6:50 p.m. by QueasyHead5716

I was rejected not too long ago by a guy who was leading me on for a year or so. The reason: my personality and mental health. He himself has anxiety and stress issues, gets mad at everything, walks away whenever there is an argument (literally).

He told me he wants to date a strong willed woman, who's independent. He's 34 years old and lives with his dad. I am 23 years old, came to the United States from another country to pursue a PhD, and I am financially independent. Still, not good enough for him.

One of the reasons he cited when he rejected me was the fact that I suffer from severe panic attacks, and he does not want to deal with it. He said he deserves "healthy love". He said he wants someone who is more confident, at the same time when he himself is putting me down. I always thought I am quite a confident person, but he has slowly changed my mind about it. I just feel like I never was the person I thought I was.

Have you ever been rejected due to mental health issues or similar stuff? I feel like I am all alone in this.

3 comments recovered from the Pushshift database.
Ariadne008Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 7:11 p.m. · 1 reply

Lol you've got it wrong. You weren't rejected only for your mental health issues, you were rejected for his mental health issues. If he wasn't so insecure he wouldn't feel the need to put you down like this. If your description of your respective situations is true you are being far more independent than he is and he is probably feeling very insecure because of it and trying to shift the blame onto you to feel better.

Trash_Opinion_taFormer Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 8:25 p.m.

Agreed 100%. Dude sounds so insecure and low-value. Why would you ask somebody like this out, OP?

greenwallsinhereFormer Femcel · Jan. 12, 2021, 9:01 p.m.

You dodged a bullet here.